Garrett Pro-Pointer AT Pinpointing Metal Detector
In Stock
PN 1140900
3 Sensitivity Levels
For enhanced gold nugget detection and other tiny targets
Lost Pro-Pointer Alarm
After being ON for 5 minutes without pressing a button, The Pro-Pointer II will begin emitting increasingly faster alarm chirps for 60 seconds
Auto-Off Feature
The Pro-Pointer II will automatically power off after one hour of warning chirps.
Faster Retuning Capability
Users can easily tune out the detection of saltwater, wet sand, or highly mineralized soil with short on/off cycles. Retuning makes it possible for users to quickly:
- Shrink detection field to reliably classify large targets
- Tune out mineralized dirt, sand on the wet beach, etc.
- Assist in determining target size/distance
- Help define large target edges
- Pinpoint multiple targets versus one big signal target
Simple, single-button operation
Strength, Retune, Adjusting Sensitivity, and Stealth Mode for (vibrate only)
Ruler in Inches and Centimeters
Molded into the Pro-Pointer side to assess the target depth
Lanyard Attachment Loop
Molded into the Pro-Pointer side
Proportional Audio/Vibration Patented
Patented soil-search scraping blade
Twice the battery life of LED lights on other pinpointers.
Pinpointing tip and the area of 360° detection
Includes woven belt holster and battery with 9 volts
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