Nokta Makro Replaceable Coil For PusleDive Scuba Detector 8" Coil- Black

The Nokta Makro PulseDive 8” Search Coil - Black. The new 8’’ coil will add extra depth and great coverage to the PulseDive Scuba Detector & Pointer making it competitive with higher-end underwater metal detectors that cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars! Lightweight - can be swung faster than...


Nokta Detectors

Metal Detector Accessories

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The Nokta Makro PulseDive 8” Search Coil - Black. The new 8’’ coil will add extra depth and great coverage to the PulseDive Scuba Detector & Pointer making it competitive with higher-end underwater metal detectors that cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars! Lightweight - can be swung faster than other underwater detectors. This new 8” search coil will give you better depth and a better signal to find coins, gold, jewelry, etc underwater. This 8” coil is 100% waterproof and submersible. This coil fits on the Nokta Makro PulseDive Scuba Detector & Pointer metal detector.