Garrett GTI™ 2500 Metal Detector

The GTI detectors will tell you what coin it is when you find a coin: a penny, a nickel, a dime, a quarter, or a dollar. The GTI 2500 sifts the trash and treasure out, making the hunt more productive than a manufactured detector! A possible part of the exclusive...



Metal Detector

In Stock

The GTI detectors will tell you what coin it is when you find a coin: a penny, a nickel, a dime, a quarter, or a dollar. The GTI 2500 sifts the trash and treasure out, making the hunt more productive than a manufactured detector! A possible part of the exclusive Digital Signal Processing (DSP) chip GTI series. It's unlikely for certain detectors to detect a detected target junk or treasure before you dig it up. Since similar conductivities are shared by different targets, detecting what quarter an aluminum can be. If a target junk or treasure is found, the GTI 2500 TRUE size and depth technology make you.


Highly suggested Coin Hunting, Jewelry Hunting, Relic Hunting, Cache Hunting, Prospecting, Ghost Town Hunting, Dry Beach/Fresh Water Hunting


The actual SIZE and DEPTH of the target are shown by Garrett Exclusive Graphic Target Imaging™ (GTI). This helps you to dig trash for less time and dig gold for more time.



    Key Features

    • True target size and depth is shown by Graphic Target Imaging™ (GTI).
    • The Graphic Target Analyzer™  (GTA) identifies the conductivity of the target
    • True Digital Signal  Processor™  (DSP) increases the accuracy of discrimination.
    • Based on quest coil swing pace, ScanTrack™ optimizes treasure signals
    • Ground Balance: automatic and also adjustable manually
    • Deepseeking Mode for All Metal, Non-Motion: allows hovering over the target
    • Volume, threshold, tone, sensitivity, discrimination User-adjustable
    • Salt Elimination Aid: Elimination of interference at the beach caused by wetted salt
    • Hip Mount Battery Pack: for long searches, decreases detector weight
    • For use in All Metal Mode, FastTrack™ Ground Balance
    • Elimination of Surface: Flexible search aid ignores shallow, unwanted objects
    • LCD Backlight: LCD screen illumination for enhanced visibility
    • Headphone Jack and external speaker: quarter-inch (1/4") size
    • Coin Alert BeltoneAudio™: Garrett sound for targets with high conductivity
    • Switching from the last mode: switch from All-Metal to last-used discrimination mode



    Technical Specifications

    Target ID Cursor Segments


    Iron Discrimination Segments


    Accept/Reject Discrimination


    Search Modes

    5 (plus Imaging/Pinpoint)

    Sensitivity/Depth Adjustments


    Electronic Pinpointing

    YES, with size/depth display


    7.2 kHz, user-adjustable

    Audio Tone ID Levels


    Standard Searchcoil

    9.5" PROformance™ Imaging

    Length (Adjustable)

    40" to 51" (1.01m - 1.29m)

    Total Weight

    4.6 lbs. (2.1 kgs.)


    8 AA (included)

    Battery Condition Indicator



    2 Year, Limited Parts/Labor